Every decade of life demands a different version of you. A significant shift in your body from your 20s to your 30s can make it feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. We have clients in their 30’s that tell us all the time, “I turned 30, and BAM! There came 10-15 pounds from nowhere. I can’t get it off, and I can’t keep putting it on.”

We get it, and we’ve been there! We’re here to help explain why.  

Your biggest frustrations in your 30’s

There are significant hormonal shifts in your 30’s. You see changes in your cycle, and the mood swings make you feel crazy. Your natural growth hormones and testosterone hormones decline, which causes lean muscle mass to decrease, which, in turn, will slow your metabolism. The foods you ate in your 20’s now make you feel terrible. Milk is the enemy, and you realize you look at a slice of pizza, and it feels like you have gained 10 pounds. 

It’s frustrating, but with the proper support, you can use your 30s to create a lifestyle of wellness and get back to feeling like you!

1. You’re still living like a college student.

There are bad habits that we can swing in our 20s that just don’t fly as our bodies age. Staying up late and waking up early is hard on our bodies. Do yourself a favor and start creating a consistent sleep schedule where you can get 7-9 hours of sleep every night TODAY! This probably isn’t the first time you have heard you need to give up sugary drinks and alcohol. Still, over and over again, we see women experience major transformations, physically and mentally, once they commit to cutting them out.

2. Stress is getting the best of you.

There are important and exciting life changes that happen in your late 20s and 30s. You’re starting a career, getting married, pursuing graduate degrees, and starting families. A lot of good is happening, but it’s still a lot and can sometimes feel overwhelming. 

Finding healthy ways to manage stress in your 30’s will be transformative in your 40’s and 50’s. Consider incorporating yoga, medication, or water activities into your routine. 

3. You’re not eating a balanced diet.

You find yourself incredibly busy, and you’re just grabbing what makes sense in a hunger-driven moment of weakness. If you have kids, you are snaking on their snacks and finishing their meals. 


Food is fuel. Start prioritizing protein and fiber-rich veggies. Making a shift towards complex carbs will also do you some good. Remember you are building healthy habits for a lifetime, and making simple swaps now will create a big impact in the long run.

4. You don’t exercise consistently.

If you have never incorporated regular exercise into your schedule, you should do so now. Intentional movement is good for your physical and mental health and should be something you enjoy. 

Weight training will help slow down the loss of lean muscle mass and boost metabolism. Walking is a highly underestimated form of cardio, and a step goal is an easy way to transition into incorporating healthy movement into your lifestyle. Yoga is a great way to build muscle, gain flexibility, and manage stress simultaneously.

Your 30’s are all about setting yourself up for the years to come.

The habits you create in your 30s will set you up for not only losing the 10 or 15 pounds that seem to have just shown up but will also set you up to live a lifestyle of wellness for years to come.

Each Decade Requires Different Knowledge & Action Steps 

  • Learn WHY your body needs different foods based on age.

  • Learn ABOUT your metabolism and how you can optimize it.

  • Learn HOW to take action to optimize your wellness and weight loss.

Every Decade Requires Different Knowledge to Lose Weight!

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